Overstreet Investments and its subsidiaries are proud to support a variety of charitable causes and organizations.
All donation requests must meet the requirements below to be considered.
- Any requestor must agree with and support the 2nd amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America
- "A well-regulated milita, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”
- All requests for any donation must be submitted through this online form. Only requests submitted through this form will be considered.
- Any donation awarded and received is not to be used to promote any business or activity that would be in direct conflict with any companies operating under Overstreet Investments.
- CMMG, Inc.
BR Gun Supply
Conquest Automotive & Offroad
All requests will be based on the requirements above and will be awarded as much as possible based on the submission and the resources allocated that year to fulfill donation requests.
Thank you for your interest!